Tag Archives: Terriyaki

Food Blogging

4 Aug

I’m (back) on a mission of healthy, delicious eating, and I thought it would be interesting to blog/photoblog some of my creations. This hasn’t happened for three (at least) reasons:

1. I forget. Yes such a lame excuse, which is why I’m putting it out there first. I get into the moment of cooking, and forget to grab the camera and take prep shots, cooking shots, and plating shots.

2. How could I take any pictures cooking anyways? I’ve been BBQing this week, and I’m very much a novice BBQer – so it’s a little risky, to open the BBQ and start snapping pictures. Also, I’m not an expert “food is done” cooker, so I’m worried I’ll miss that window while cooking!

3. The food’s always eaten before I can take a picture! Half way through a meal it crosses my mind, then I’m thinking, it’s too delicious to stop!!

Now that the excuses are out there, here’s a little snippit of the last 2 meals, sans photo’s!

Last night was a simple BBQ chicken breast with homemade Ceasar Salad (yes even the dressing!) My newest investment in the kitchen has been a failure, this blender has yet to shred an entire clove of garlic! The BBQ Sauce I made from scratch as well previously, although one of the ingredients is Ketchup, I am on the look-out for a good Ketchup recipe to replace my Heinz!  The Croutons were made from fresh bread which I put on the bbq to crisp up. I also made Corn on the Cob on the BBQ – I think I needed to soak the corn in water longer, but was delicious none the less – I brushed an oil combination of red pepper flakes & chili on them!

Tonight was great! Marinaded small steak cubes in terriyaki sauce (yes from a bottle) I then made shish-kabobs from fresh pineapple, peppers, mushrooms, zucchini  & carrots. The Zucchini didn’t go over well with my fiance, and the carrots were impossible to maneuver. I started with the grill way too hot (hindsight: 20/20), and so I barely brushed a terriyaki/red pepper flake sauce  over them, and they were already cooked (except the carrots). Served on a plate of beautiful rice!

I will be photo-blogging tomorrow: BBQ Sauce Making, and dinner, so stay tuned!