Tag Archives: Christmas Survival

Christmas Survival

18 Dec

For Christmas we will be traveling to two different places, which means my routine is going to be thrown off. This is my Christmas Survival Plan:


1. Bring Scale Along. I will pack along my scale and weigh in every morning. That will ensure I stay on track and eliminate any “I’ll burn it off before I get home to weigh in” thoughts.

2. Bring along my own baking. I’ve already pre-calculated the calories in my baking, so it will be easy for me to track. 

3. Foods I will be avoiding: Potatos, buns, pasta, breads. I don’t usually avoid specific foods, but since these are trigger foods for me, and I won’t be in familiar places, I will do this.

4. At the table: 1 serving, no seconds. I will focus on comparing servings to what I have at home.

5. I will log EVERYTHING. (I use loseit.com)

6. I will walk 2 km /day combined

7. I will not go 1 calorie over my budget. 

8. I may only eat half of my exercise calories on Dec 24, and 25 (I usually don’t eat any)

9. I will say “maybe later” when asked if I want something impractical

10. I won’t drink alcohol (except Red Wine- and I will count it).

11. Also – no eggnog (have a few sips from hubby). 

12. I will try my hardest to stay on track, understanding this is probably the toughest week of the year! 

13. If I have a moment of weakness, I will move on and fix my mistake. 

I’m striving for progress, not perfection. I don’t want to have to re-lose weight I lost before Christmas because I ate too much during Christmas!